Ladies, What is YOUR Goal?
8. Look at your goals. Look at your behavior. Does your behavior match your goals? – See more at: “Look at your goals. Look at your behavior. Does your behavior match your goals?” Dan John Dan John is a man with great wisdom to share. His words ring in the ears of many strength […]
Pre and Post Workout Nutrition: What do you eat???
“Average people: Focus on food quality & quantity Remember: if you’re exercising for general health and fitness; if your goals are more modest; and/or you don’t have unique physiological needs… …then you probably don’t need any particular workout nutrition strategies.” From a new article by Brian St. Pierre – Precision Nutrition Today, I came across […]
It’s only a number.
“It can be an effective tool,” said Jennifer Linde, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, in Minneapolis. “It gives you feedback every day, and you can coach people to look at the number as a neutral thing. It doesn’t have to be a value judgment.” NY Times article – […]
Our Third Self Defense Seminar with Steve Wakefoose
We are very excited to announce our third Self Defense Seminar with Steve Wakefoose of CrossFit West Chester in Pennsylvania on Sunday, April 3, 2016. This self-defense seminar is based on Tony Blauer’s S.P.E.A.R System and Personal Defense Readiness program. Instructor Steve Wakefoose will lead the workshop. Steve is the founder of Providence Combatives and is a […]
A New Year means New Beginnings
“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”- Edith Lovejoy Pierce New beginnings. Isn’t that what the New Year is all about? A new beginning? A chance to try something new this […]
Think you are too old to start getting strong? Think again.
You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old. George Burns Read more at I wrote this blog post almost 5 years ago. We were trying to get more women to try barbell training and I had started hosting free Strength Training Workshops as a way to introduce women to the squat, bench, press and […]
Lifting weights is only for boys…..NOT!!!!
About two months ago, I received an email from a strength coach I know who was doing a presentation at his gym in Boston (okay, his name is Tony Gentilcore and it’s Cressey Performance, okay?) He had a “quick” question. Here was his question: Quick question: My presentation at the CP seminar this weekend is […]
Now you see me. Now you don’t.
Last November, I wrote the post below about my own experiment with being photoshopped. After seeing Buzz Feeds recent video about photoshopping, I thought it might be a nice time to re-post the article as a reminder that photoshop is not REAL. YOU are real. Four women were asked by Buzz Feed if they would […]
Baby’s Got Back! And you can too.
As many of my clients know, I am a HUGE fan of training the posterior chain. And thanks to Bret Contreras, also known as “The Glute Guy,” I am never without new ways of thinking about the glutes. There is a running joke at my gym that EVERYTHING is about the glutes. As I tell […]
The 2013 2nd Annual Charm City Strongwoman Contest: There is always Strength in Numbers
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” J.K. Rowling And united we were. On Sunday, September 15, 2013, Fivex3 Training of Baltimore, MD and McKenna’s Gym of Red Lion, PA, hosted the 2nd Annual Charm City Strongwoman Contest in Baltimore, MD to benefit the Susan Cohan Colon Cancer […]