Fivex3 Training

Good Eats: Precision Nutrition Super Shakes

The other day,  I posted an article/video from Dr. John Berardi of Precision Nutrition on my Facebook page about Super Shakes. You can watch the video here.  I thought I would follow up with that post with this Good Eats Post about three different Super Shakes that are just awesome and straight out of the […]

We lie Down. We get Up. Do you?

Lie down. Get up. Every day. We do a lot of getting up and down here at Fivex3 Training. It’s just routine by now. We lie down. We stand up. We squat. (We squat a lot.) We get into half kneeling positions practically Every.Single.Class.  I don’t think we ever sit…unless maybe we are stretching at […]

How to Carry your husband out of a Burning Building

Disclaimer: “This is not meant to be the literal solution if your house is on fire.” 😉 This is a post about why it is good to be functionally strong. As some of you may remember, I recently had someone comment on my blog post about barre classes, telling me I was “completely wrong”.  You […]

Good Eats: Peaches and Cream Omelet

“You CAN make an omelet without breaking eggs. It’s just a really bad omelet.” – Steven Colbert I have a confession. I really love eggs. Recently, I shared an article on my Facebook page about whether eggs are healthy or not. You can read about it here. Poor eggs. They get such a bad rap…..and there […]

Update on our training for the Ulman Fund Triathlon. Now we are training for life.

My sister is amazing. She was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer in September of 2011, had surgery in October, started chemo in November. She finished chemo in July of 2012, volunteered at the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults Half-Full triathlon in October, the anniversary weekend of her surgery,  and then immediately following the […]

Supplements: To take or not to take?

  I get asked a lot of times from my clients about supplements. What do you take? What kind do you like? Is it worth taking supplements? Believe me, this is not an easy answer. We are all different and our needs are different. Some of us may need more iron in our diet. Others […]

A stronger body is a healthier body.

“No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.” Madonna 6/25/2008 Measurements 37 1/2″ Chest 29′” Waist 38 1/2″ Hips 24 1/2 Upper thigh 16 1/2 ” Calf 11 3/4″ Arm Weight: 141.8 lbs Body fat: 27%   […]

It’s Hard to be You Sometimes. But it doesn’t have to be.

“Labels are for filing. Labels are for clothing. Labels are not for people.” Martina Navratilova A few weeks ago, I got sucked in to watching videos about young women who are anorexic. ;( I know, why would I let this happen, you are asking yourself. Not a great topic to talk about, is it? All […]

Please. Stand up straight.

Ladies. Please. Stand up straight. Now. I see them all the time. Young women. Walking, jogging, sitting, talking on their phones. All of them slumped over, their shoulders dropped, their necks poking out like chickens. The other day, I was driving down the street and two women were crossing the street in front of me […]

Keep it Simple. With training. With eating. With life.

My motto when it comes to training? Keep it simple. Stay consistent. It’s great to want to try new things, but the more consistent you are with your strength goals, the stronger you will get. When I was younger, I used to complain to my mom that I was bored. She would look at me […]