Fivex3 Training

Stronger Together is a Strength Meet displaying the strength of two lifters working together to form one total. Rather than competing individually, Stronger Together will require competitors to form a team of 2 and complete all 4 lifts as outlined in Starting Strength: The Deadlift, Squat, Bench and Press.

Teams can be Male/Male, Male/Female or Female/Female. EACH LIFTER in the team must perform one upper body and one lower body lift. Every lifter will receive 3 attempts at each of the 2 lifts they complete. The top successful attempt will count towards each teams total. Totals will be the combination of both lifters Wilks score in a team.

Stronger Together 2023 Results!!

We had an incredible competition on Sunday and raised over $3000 for the Music Therapy Program for Gilchrist Hospice of Towson.

“What Do Music Therapists Do?

Our therapists offer evidence based clinical use of musical interventions to improve clients’ quality of life. At Gilchrist Hospice Care, a board certified music therapist (MT-BC) will listen, perform, write and record music. These services are an effort to meet the social, emotional, physical, spiritual and cognitive needs of the individual and family. Evidence suggests that music therapy is beneficial for all individuals, both physically and mentally. It has shown to improve heart rate, reduce anxiety, stimulate the brain, and improve learning.

For some of our patients, music is able to reach them in a way unlike others. If you have ever had a tune play in your head, remind you of a memory or evoke emotion, you have experienced the power of music.

An example is a patient with late-stage dementia singing the entirety of “You Are My Sunshine”. Another example we have seen is an otherwise unresponsive patient tapping their feet along with the rhythm of a song. Our Gilchrist music therapists are there, singing and playing, bringing joy and comfort, demonstrating our care for patients and families.”

The music therapists and program at Gilchrist is funded entirely by donations from generous donors. If you are interested in supporting this program, please make a gift to the music therapy program via the link below.


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