9th Annual Charm City Strongwoman Contest

2018 Strongwomen

The 9th Annual Charm City Strongwoman Contest is here!!

This contest is a Memorial Contest for my sister Charlotte Giza who died on February 11, 2015 after a 3 1/2 year battle with colon cancer. She was my inspiration and my other half. She was also as strong as she was beautiful. This contest is for her and for ALL the strong women out there.

The contest will take place over a four day period from Thursday, October 22, through Sunday, October 25 at Fivex3 Training, 4015 Foster Avenue, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21224. Competitors will sign up for a one-hour slot during the competition period. Weigh-ins, warmups and all events must be completed in the allotted time. At most four competitors per slot will be allowed. All participants and judges will wear masks while inside the gym.

There are seven divisions:
Lightweight Novice: 140 and under
Middleweight Novice:140.1-185
Heavyweight Novice: 185.1 and over
Lightweight Open: 140 and under
Middleweight Open: 140.1 – 185
Heavyweight Open: 185.1 and over
(Masters: Women 40 and up. Must be 40 years young on or before October 22, 2020. Masters will lift the same weights as LW Open. )
(n.b. The meet directors reserve the right to move you from class to class based on their discretion the day of your contest.)


(Important Note: The weights and events below are subject to change.)
1) Hammer front hold for maximum time:
Each contestant contestant will hold a weight with arms fully extended and parallel to the ground for maximum time. Weights: TBD
2) Log Clean and Press for maximum repetitions
Each contestant has 60 seconds to clean and press a log overhead for maximum repetitions. Each repetition will start dead on the ground and end with a down command.


Lightweight Novice: 85lbs
Middleweight Novice: 95lbs
Heavyweight Novice: 105lbs
Lightweight Open: 95lbs
Middleweight Open: 115lbs
Heavyweight Open: 135lbs
Masters: 95lbs
3) Hub hold for maximum time
Each contestant will lift the hub with the fingers of either hand and hold it for maximum time. Weights: TBD
4) Atlas stone to shoulder for maximum repetitions
Each contestant has 60 seconds to lift an atlas stone from ground to shoulder for maximum repetitions. Each repetition will start dead on the ground and end with a down command.


Lightweight Novice: 95lbs
Middleweight Novice: 95lbs
Heavyweight Novice: 115lbs
Lightweight Open: 95lbs
Middleweight Open: 115lbs
Heavyweight Open: 135lbs
Masters: 95lbs
Registration Information
REGISTRATION FORM: Please fill out the registration form by clicking here. Every competitor will be required to sign a waiver the day of the event in order to participate in the contest.
REGISTRATION FEE: The registration fee is $55. Once you have completed the registration form, you will be sent a Pay Pal link for payment. I send the links out manually so do not panic if you do not receive the link immediately, especially is you register after 10pm. 😉 THE REGISTRATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS.
All profit will benefit the Ulman Foundation for prevention and research. We are raising money specifically for the Ulman House, a home away from home for cancer patients and their families.
WEIGH-IN’S: Weigh-in’s will be held on immediately upon arrival at the gym for your designated competition slot.
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Registration is open until October 15, 2020. However, if you would like a t-shirt, please get your registration in by October 1, 2020. Thank you!