REGISTRATION FORM: Please download the registration form by clicking here:
HELLO LADIES!!!!! This contest is a Memorial Contest for my sister Charlotte Bohn who died on February 11, 2015 after a 3 1/2 year battle with colon cancer. She was my inspiration and my other half. She was also as strong as she was beautiful.
This contest is for her and for ALL the strong women out there.
The contest will take place on Sunday, September 17, 2017 from 9am – 5pm.
There are seven divisions this year: Lightweight Novice, Middleweight Novice and Heavyweight Novice, Lightweight Open, Middleweight Open and Heavyweight Open AND Masters.
Lightweight Novice: 140 and under
Middleweight Novice:140.5-185
Heavyweight Novice: 185.5 and over
Lightweight Open: 140 and under
Middleweight Open: 140.5 – 185
Heavyweight Open: 185.5 and over
Masters: Women 40 and up. Must be 40 years young on or before September 17, 2017. We need at least 6 women to run this division. If we get more than 10, we will divide the group into two weight classes, Lightweight and Heavyweight.
Masters will lift the same weights as LW Open.
(n.b. The meet directors reserve the right to move you from class to class based on their discretion the day of the event. Divisions will be combined if there are not more than 5 in a division.)
(Important Note: The weights below are guidelines and are subject to change.)
1) Weight for Height
Each contestant has 75 seconds to throw four med balls over the bar. Med balls will be 1 10lb balls, 2 15lb balls and 1 20lb balls. (Number of balls and weight subject to change.) Balls will be thrown with one hand.
All Novice Divisions: Weight will be thrown over a 10′ bar.
All Open Divisions: Weight will be thrown over a 12′ bar.
2) Log Press for max reps
Each contestant has 60 seconds to clean and press the log for as many reps as possible. Competitor must clean the log each time.
LWN: 85lbs
MWN: 95lbs
HWN: 105lbs
LWO/MA: 95lbs
MWO: 115lbs
HWO: 135lbs
3) Truck Pull
Each Competitor will be called in order. Once called, the lifter has 60 seconds to report to the Truck Pull. When the competitor arrives, the Official will give them a start signal. The competitor can begin the pull as soon as the clock begins and the judge says “Go” or gives an appropriate signal or cue. The front wheels of the truck must cross over the line for the pull to be complete. Chalk is allowed. Belts are allowed. Tacky is not allowed. All divisions will pull the same truck for 75 feet.
4) Yoke Carry
Each competitor will stand behind the line and carry the yoke 50 feet. Competitors will be ranked in ascending order of time and descending order of distance for those who do not complete the entire course.
LWN: 300lbs
5) Stone to Shoulder
Each competitor will have 60 seconds to shoulder the stone to her shoulder as many times as possible. Competitor must wait for the down command before each rep.
LWN: 95lbs
MWN: 95lbs
HWN: 115lbs
LWO/MA: 95lbs
MWO: 115lbs
HWO: 135lbs
Registration Information
ENTRY FEE: The entry fee is $55. Please pay directly below using Pay Pal.
Please make sure to still mail in your registration form OR you will not be officially registered.
Please mail all forms and payment to:
Emily Socolinsky
609 South Kenwood Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21224
All profit will benefit the Susan Cohan Colon Cancer Foundation for prevention and research. This registration fee is non-refundable.
REGISTRATION FORM: Please download the registration form by clicking here:
WEIGH-IN’S: Weigh-in’s will be held on Saturday, September 16 from 10am- 2pm and on Sunday, September 17 from 8-9:00am.
DEADLINE: Registration is now closed.
We also have a First Giving Page to help raise money for the organization.
Click HERE to donate!!
This is Emily’s Page: Emily’s Donation Page
All profit will help benefit the Susan Cohan Colon Cancer Foundation.
We will also be doing a Charm City Strongwoman Raffle to help benefit Susie’s Cause. We will raffle off two baskets as well as gift cards to local Charm City businesses. 😉