Good Eats Guest Post: Mediterranean Lettuce Wraps

This guest post comes from one of my clients, Harper Kubicek. And even though I now know that she reads Shape Magazine, I still think she is awesome. 😉 Truth be told, I have a subscription to Hers:Muscle and Fitness. We all have our weaknesses. 😉


I know Emily will probably shake her head when she finds out that I have a Shape Magazine subscription and that I’m submitting my “Good Eats” entry inspired by a recipe from the most recent issue.  Truth is, I fell victim to one of those door-to-door traveling salesman and bought a couple magazine subscriptions from him almost a year ago.  I’ve since regretted my decision to purchase those subscriptions and vow never to answer the door to someone I don’t recognize!  But I digress…

The magazine does have some creative, healthy meals inside, and last night, I tried out one that seems so appropriate for the unusual summer-like temperatures we’ve been seeing in Baltimore lately.  This meal is light yet flavorful, and I knew wanted to share it!  My favorite part is the mint yogurt dressing.  I bought the mint at Safeway last night, but I can’t wait to try this recipe again when I can use fresh mint from the back patio.  🙂  Enjoy!



Mediterranean Lettuce Cups with Mint Yogurt Dressing

Adapted from Shape Magazine


¾ cup dry quinoa

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 small red onion, chopped and divided into 2 equal portions

1 can (15 oz.) low-sodium pinto beans, rinsed and drained

1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar

½teaspoon cayenne pepper

½ teaspoon kosher salt

½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

½ cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt

Juice of ¼ lemon

1 teaspoon ground cumin

2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint

½ cucumber, peeled and diced into ¼-inch pieces

6 ounces (about 1 cup) cherry tomatoes, halved

1 head Bibb lettuce (8 large leaves)

1 avocado, pitted and sliced lengthwise into thin strips


1.       Cook quinoa per directions on package.  (For me, I used 1.5 cups water and simmered for 20 minutes).

2.       Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat and add ½ red onion, while saving the other ½ for later.  Saute for 4 minutes.  Season with ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper.  Add pinto beans, vinegar, and ½ tsp. black pepper; combine and bring to a simmer.  Stir in quinoa and remove from heat.

3.       In a small bowl, combine yogurt, lemon juice, cumin, and mint; set aside.

4.       In another bowl, combine ½ red onion, cucumber, and tomatoes.  Add 2 tablespoons yogurt dressing, ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper, a pinch of salt, and a pinch of black pepper and stir to combine; set aside.

5.       Put 2 lettuce leaves on each of the four plates.  Spoon ¼ cup quinoa mixture into each.  Divide cucumber mixture evenly over leaves and top with avocado slices.  Serve with extra dressing on the side.

Mediterranean Lettuce Wraps