Strongwoman Training Clinic, Sunday, August 12, 2012

In conjunction with our Strongwoman contest on August 19, Fivex3 Training will be holding a training clinic on Sunday, August 12, 2012 from 10am – 2pm for any women that have entered the meet or are on the fence about entering. This clinic will go over all the events with the actual equipment that will be used. Mike McKenna of McKenna’s Gym will run the clinic. See info here below.

This is a great opportunity for competitors and potential competitors (as well as anyone interested in strongman) to get technique work with the implements and try out the event weights.

The following events will be covered:
Swiss bar clean and press/Log clean and press
Axle deadlift
Atlas stones                                                                                                                                        Sled drags/Framer walks

Others will be covered if there’s time. The focus will be on learning technique and getting comfortable with the weights–this is not a contest simulation. Please wear workout clothing you don’t mind getting messy and covers enough of your body to protect you from the implements. Heavy, flat-soled shoes and athletic tape are recommended.

Cost is FREE to competitors and $20 to everyone else who would like to attend but will not be entering the contest. Please email to sign up. Space will be limited and preference will be given to those signed up for the competition.