The 11th Annual Charm City Strongwoman Contest

This contest is a Memorial Contest for my sister Charlotte Giza who died on February 11, 2015 after 3 1/2 years of living with colon cancer. She was my inspiration and my other half. This contest is for her and for ALL the strong women out there.

This contest is also dedicated to our Fivex3 member, Jan Avengine, who died on February 2, 2022 from mouth cancer. She was a volunteer at our contest from 2013 – 2019, a force of nature with a heart of gold.

The contest will take place on Sunday, June, 12, 2022 at Fivex3 Training, 4015 Foster Avenue, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21224.


Lightweight Novice: 140 and under
Middleweight Novice: 140.1-185
Heavyweight Novice: 185.1 and over
Lightweight Open: 140 and under
Middleweight Open: 140.1 – 185
Heavyweight Open: 185.1 and over
(Masters: Women 40 and up. Must be 40 years young on or before June 12, 2022. Masters will lift the same weights as LW Open. )
(n.b. The meet directors reserve the right to move you from class to class based on their discretion the day of the event. Divisions will be combined if there are not more than 5 in a division.)

2022 Events (Weights are subject to change once determined.)

Event 1: Weight for Height

Each contestant has 75 seconds to throw five med balls over the bar. Balls will range from 10lbs to 15lbs to 20lbs. This will be a two arm throw.
All Novice/Master Divisions: Weight will be thrown over a 10′ bar. 
All Open Divisions: Weight will be thrown over a 12′ bar.

Event 2: Car Deadlift

Each contestant has 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible with the deadlift. No bouncing. Straps allowed. Chalk allowed. Belts, wrist wraps, knee wraps/sleeves allowed. 

Event 3: Press Medley

Each contestant has 60 seconds to complete one rep on the log, one rep on the keg and as many reps as possible with the circus dumbbell. 
LWN: 95/60/50
MWN: 105/70/60
HWN: 115/90/60
LWO/MA: 105/70/60
MWO: 115/90/70
HWO: 135/90/80

Event 4: Fat Grip Duck Walk

Each competitor will walk the implement double overhand down 50 feet. Chalk is allowed. Tacky is not allowed. Straps are not allowed. Double hand over only. No mixed grips.
LWN: 120
MWN: 130
HWN: 145
LWO/MA: 130
MWO: 145
HWO: 155

Event 4: Carry and Load Medley

Each competitor will have 75 seconds to carry and load a keg, a stone and a sandbag of ascending weight on to a truck bed. The truck bed is 40″ off the ground. The carry is staggered. 30 feet for the keg, 20 feet for the stone and about 5 feet for the sandbag.
LWN: 70/95/125
MWN: 90/115/150
HWN: 100/135/175
LWO/MA: 90/115/150
MWO: 100/135/175
HWO: 125/165/200

Registration Information: Please download the registration form by clicking here. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM BEFORE PAYING.

REGISTRATION FEE: The registration fee is $55.  THE REGISTRATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS. Once you have completed the registration form, please pay below. THE REGISTRATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Please use the Pay Pal Button below to register for the contest. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE REGISTERED FOR THE CONTEST VIA THE REGISTRATION FORM ABOVE.

Shirt Size

WEIGH-IN’S: Weigh-in’s will be held on Saturday, June 11 from 10am- 2pm and on Sunday, June 12 from 8-9:00am.

DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Registration is open until June 1, 2022. However, if you would like a t-shirt, please get your registration in by May 20, 2021. Thank you! 


We will also have a Fundraising Page to help raise money for the organization. We will begin fundraising in . All proceeds from the Charm City Strongwoman Contest benefit the Ulman Foundation, who create a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, impacted by cancer.

All profit will benefit the Ulman Foundation for prevention and research. We are raising money specifically for the Ulman House, a home away from home for cancer patients and their families. We will also be doing a Charm City Strongwoman Raffle to help benefit Ulman. 😉

Charm City Strongwoman 2021